cata fellmann Sunday, June 27, 2010

Since I was little my dream has been work in Africa, I like it, I want to be near wildlife and keep the species damaged by man.
That's why, first of all I have to specialize in exotic animals, travel to that continent, be accepted in Pretoria's zoo, the biggest zoo in Africa.
There I will demostrate and improve me skills as a veterinarian surgeon, specially treat with big animals, like lions, tigers, and learn about elephants that I'm so passionate about.
Work with wildlife takes you to meet beautiful places, every animal teaches you different things, that's why I would like to have a Tv show or some massive way of communication to show it as it is, also bring to all the world a lot of situations which are so hard to see by the average of people, and this way educate to children and adults.
Obviously transfer this acquired knowledge to books and papers to promote the knowledge and the investigation worldwide.
I like the idea of being my own boss, I really would like to have a zoo here in Chili, with the last technology, and this way be able to recreate exactly the behavior of all animals as in their natural habitat.
Working in a Zoo is a hard work, requires much dedication to animals.
An interest in conservation helps in the understanding of how important it is to protect all wildlife and their natural habitats because extinction means forever. This work is extremely rewarding.


seba.hernandez said...

hope you can realize your dream and go to Africa :D!
take care :)

Miss said...

Since I was little my dream has been work in Africa, I like it, I want to be near wildlife and keep the species damaged by man.
That's why, first of all I have to specialize in exotic animals, travel to that continent, be accepted in Pretoria's zoo, the biggest zoo in Africa.
There I will demostrate and improve me skills as a veterinarian surgeon, specially treat with big animals, like lions, tigers, and learn about elephants that I'm so passionate about.
WF Work with wildlife takes you to meet beautiful places, every animal teaches you different things, that's why I would like to have a Tv show or some massive way of communication to show it as it is, also bring to all the world a lot of situations which are so hard to see by the average of people, and this way educate to children and adults.
Obviously transfer this acquired knowledge to books and papers to promote the knowledge and the investigation worldwide.
I like the idea of being my own boss, I really would like to have a zoo here in Chili, with the last technology, and this way be able to recreate exactly the behavior of all animals as in their natural habitat.
Working in a Zoo is a hard work, requires much dedication to animals.
An interest in conservation helps in the understanding of how important it is to protect all wildlife and their natural habitats because extinction means forever. This work is extremely rewarding.

very interesting! I agree with the idea that it would be a very rewarding job!

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